Career Satisfaction From Within

Author : Christopher R. Edgar
Format : PDF

Book Description

This book is designed to help two groups of people. The first group would like to change careers or start a business, but has the nagging feeling that for one reason or another, the transition isn't possible. Perhaps these people feel they don't have the skill or ambition to make the change, that the business they're interested in is too competitive or not lucrative enough, that their families will disapprove or something else.


The second group entered the working world feeling driven and passionate, but gradually the work became uninspiring and routine. These people don't necessarily want a transition — they understand that even if they changed jobs, they might end up in the same rut in a few years. They just want to find a way to restore some of the passion and drive they had when they started.

This book takes a spiritual approach to creating lasting career satisfaction by helping readers cultivate an inner sense of wholeness. This feeling of completeness helps people transcend the anxieties that prevent them from finding focus and passion in their work. The exercises in the book, which largely involve visualization, meditation and conscious breathing, help readers realize that they are complete and worthwhile beings, no matter what their career situations.

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